We use quality raw materials and ingredients from regional suppliers
Hand processed raw materials
Every morning suppliers transport fresh raw materials, which are immediately processed for further heat treatment. The meat is prepared in steam convectors, and sauces are prepared separately by roasting the onion in
oil in a pan, then transferring the base to a steam boiler, adding other ingredients according to the recipe and pouring the long-cooked meat stock. We regularly perform an output inspection of all products cooked
the previous day.
Proper nutritional values
Each meal is nutritionally balanced, contains the necessary amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other vital substances. We test the nutritional values in the laboratory not only for each new recipe, but also
repeatedly during production.
Proven technological proces
The basis of quality food, which does not contain preservatives, flavorings and colourants, is the strict respect of all processes in food processing so that the required temperature is always maintained, which
prevents the multiplication of bacteria. We call this process CTP - Continuous thermal process, which the company has a patent.
Quality meat from farmers
The basis of good food is fresh quality meat, and therefore, for example, for beef we use only meat from young bulls, for which we always have proof of its origin. We buy meat from Czech suppliers.
Healthy ingredients
Our main principle in food preparation is the use of quality ingredients without preservatives, additives and stabilizers. Therefore, we use e.g. sauerkraut directly from the manufacturer, sterilized cucumbers
without artificial sweeteners and sausages without quick salts and gluten.
100% gluten-free
We use only natural gluten-free raw materials to produce our meals, which we also require from our suppliers. To be absolutely sure, the products were tested in a special laboratory.